
Oliver McGough


Who are you, and what do you do?

I’m Oliver McGough, the leader marketer/growth hacker at Usabilla. I joined as a UX/Marketing intern 2 years ago, and have since found my niche using creative ways to gain engagement of our product – videos, images, articles, etc.

On the UX – user experience – side of things I have a deep interest in product design and design psychology; I use this in the design of our products as well as for blogging about UX. The UX blogging also comes under my marketing activities – writing 2 articles per week. I’ll also assist our visual designer in channeling his ideas in the ways that we need, as well as getting my own hands dirty on the visual side of things from time to time.

What forms of media have influenced you the most?

Online articles/blogs to help my professional skills. Music to get me through the day

What hardware / software do you use?

Macbook pro

Sketch, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Google Drive (Docs etc.)

What would be your dream creative setup?

Somewhere alive, with ambient background noise like a cafe’.

Co-Founder at Constructed By. Student at University of Wisconsin - Madison studying Business with a focus in Marketing and Accounting.