
Philip Morgan


Who are you, and what do you do?

I help development shops get more qualified leads without hiring a salesperson. I use education-based content marketing, marketing automation, and digital outreach to make that happen. I’m also the author of The Positioning Manual for Technical Firms.

What forms of media have influenced you the most?

Music has contributed the most to my quality of life, and books have influenced my thinking the most, with audio books and podcasts as a close second.

What hardware / software do you use?

I use an Apple 13″ Retina Macbook Pro propped up to eye level on a Crane Plus DJ stand. I write stuff in Markdown, collaborate with Google Docs and email, and keep notes in Nvalt. According to RescueTime, I spend an inordinate amount of time using Slack, Mail.app/Gmail, Nvalt, Google Docs, Ulysses, Getdrip.com, philipmorganconsulting.com, and Skype in that order. I record podcasts using an RE320, a DBX 286s, a ROLLS MS111, a Behringer UCA202, and Audio Hijack. I edit them with Hindenburg Journalist. I love the heck out of http://Remarq.io for converting Markdown to gorgeous PDFs. I listen to music while working through a Geek Out 1000 and Alpha Dog headphones.

What would be your dream creative setup?

I’m most productive in my home office, most creative in the shower.

Co-Founder at Constructed By. Student at University of Wisconsin - Madison studying Business with a focus in Marketing and Accounting.