
Randy Engler


Who are you, and what do you do?

I am an entrepreneur, cyclist, tinkerer, husband and father living in the Bay Area. I’m also the founder and CEO of the New York City based start-up Proprly which manages short-term rentals for Airbnb hosts in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

What forms of media have influenced you the most?

I’m a bit old school in this respect perhaps, but I’m still a reader of actual, physical books. Mostly a reader of fiction as it gives my mind the time and space to be transported into another world, and to totally decompress.

What hardware / software do you use?

I use a Macbook pro 15″, but its time for an upgrade. For Proprly customer support systems, we really like Frontapp.com which is amazing for small to mid-size start-ups like ours.

What would be your dream creative setup?

My ideal setting for creativity is at my second home in Maine. It’s quiet there and I’m surrounded by the outdoors which allows me to mentally reset and to think about interesting and creative ways to address a challenge or demand. Day-to-day it’s any San Francisco coffee shop with fast internet and amazing coffee (acre coffee is one of my new favorites).


Co-Founder at Constructed By. Student at University of Wisconsin - Madison studying Business with a focus in Marketing and Accounting.