
Mary Face


Who are you, and what do you do?

My name is Mary and I’m a YouTuber and Cospositive public speaker. I post three videos a week about everything from affordable fashion to unboxings to DIY creatives. I also go to conventions and speak publicly about cosplay safety, respect and body positivity. I believe that our bodies are our own to dress, colour and change in whatever ways we desire and that changing your body doesn’t have any influence on your value as a human being. I’m also a model, but that is more of a hobby than a job.

What forms of media have influenced you the most?

My main influences when it comes to media are socially run. Twitter, instagram and YouTube tell me what subjects my audience need me to approach. When I was younger I did read a lot of fantasy novels but I don’t have much time for that these days as I am online 24/7 responding to and helping as many people as I can.

What hardware / software do you use?

I have a canon camera, a blue yeti pro microphone, an extremely lovely custom built computer and I do all my editing in premiere pro.

What would be your dream creative setup?

I do most of my work at my computer in my bedroom, but I feel most at home on the convention floor speaking to people and helping those who struggle with accepting their physical self as a thing that simply exists without defining who they are.

Founder of VNM USA an advertising agency focused on connecting brands and individuals to the millennial generation. Computer Science student at University of Wisconsin - Madison.