
Michael Tyburski


Who are you, and what do you do?

I’m a filmmaker based in New York City. I write and direct short narrative films, documentaries and commercials.

My short film Palimpsest premiered at Sundance, where it won a Special Jury Award, and I’m currently developing it into a feature film. My latest short, Actor Seeks Role, won the Grand Jury Award at IFFBoston and recently premiered online on The New Yorker’s website.

What forms of media have influenced you the most?

Well movies above all, but that’s what so wonderful about cinema; at it’s best, it’s a marriage of photography, writing and music. To be specific, Kubrick. He’s an absolute master of the craft. Even more specifically, Barry Lyndon, which has always been a huge influence for me – that work has everything. It’s the definition of a masterpiece, and obviously my all time favorite.

What hardware / software do you use?

It’s 2015, but I somehow manage to still work in Final Cut Pro 7 believe it or not. Editors who I collaborate with really want me to move on (and I eventually will), but haven’t found the time yet to adapt to the new standards. I learned how to edit in the 90’s, so I also still keep vintage analog decks hooked-up in the back of my office so I can scroll through my old tape archives now and then. I tend to be pretty nostalgic all around.

What would be your dream creative setup?

A clean, quiet office with great natural light and preferably a large wooden desk located somewhere within walking distance of a place I could order a good, custom sandwich at lunch time.

Actor Seeks Role (Short Film) from {group theory} on Vimeo.

Co-Founder at Constructed By. Student at University of Wisconsin - Madison studying Business with a focus in Marketing and Accounting.