
Dodd Caldwell


Who are you, and what do you do?

I’m Dodd Caldwell. I like trying to start things and I like storytelling. Lately, I’ve been picking up two new hobbies – beekeeping and vintage motorcycles. My goal is to be involved in creative projects that directly or indirectly serve those who serve others.

I’m the co-founder of MoonClerk, a web-based software company that helps businesses accept recurring payments online. I help run Rice Bowls, a nonprofit that partners with grass-roots orphanages in 8 countries to provide their food budgets. We just launched a new fundraising tool, HungerCrunch, which is a video game that lets you take down hunger in the game and the real world too. I helped start Loft Resumes, a resume design firm.

What forms of media have influenced you the most?

When I’m in the middle of creating, music helps me the most – I have a set playlist of music that I listen to. What’s helped me the most with storytelling has been short stories. My favorite are by Flannery O’Connor and Tolstoy.

What hardware / software do you use?

For hardware I always carry a passport-sized Scoutbook Notebook and a Bic Z4 Roller .7 black ink pen. I use a 13” Macbook Air and an iPhone for digital work. For software, I use Pocket for bookmarking. I use Evernote for keeping my notes and receipts in order.

What would be your dream creative setup?

I work out of a tight-knit co-working facility. That’s where I’m most creative – surrounded by talented, kind people. I used to believe the most creative people were lone wolves and that I needed to be that way. I’ve come to realize my most creative, fulfilling work comes through collaboration with others.

There are these lyrics by the band, Fleet Foxes, that say, “I was raised up believing I was somehow unique like a snowflake distinct among snowflakes, unique in each way you can see. And now after some thinking, I’d say I’d rather be a functioning cog in some great machinery serving something beyond me.”

That’s where I’m at. My goal is not to care about who gets the credit. I just want to be involved in something greater than me.

Founder of VNM USA an advertising agency focused on connecting brands and individuals to the millennial generation. Computer Science student at University of Wisconsin - Madison.