
Martin Ahe


Who are you, and what do you do?

My name is Martin Ahe and I’m the Co-founder and CEO at Wonders.

What forms of media have influenced you the most?

It all started after watching 180° South on Netflix – an amazing documentary about the founders of Patagonia and the North Face. That influenced me to enroll in Sustainability program at Harvard, where I learned more about environmental and other issues facing our planet today. The most important thing that I learned was that we really need to reevaluate our relationship with nature and the best way to do that is by simply going outdoors. Inspiring people to do that was our primary motivation behind Wonders.

What hardware / software do you use?

Design is at the core of what we do and for that we use Sketch from Bohemian Coding. It literally can make you a better designer!

What would be your dream creative setup?

Sundays at the office are great. When no one is around and I have no meetings I can really get into the “zone” designing away for hours (usually while listening to some great set on SoundCloud). I also tend to get pretty creative during flights. The key is to isolate myself to let the creative energy flow freely without distraction or judgement.


Co-Founder at Constructed By. Student at University of Wisconsin - Madison studying Business with a focus in Marketing and Accounting.